Helps for restless legs and night cramps*

» VEINOPLUS® V.I. is a medical electro-stimulation device with therapeutic effects upon various symptoms of Venous Insufficiency. These effects have been demonstrated and documented in several clinical studies made since 2004 in France, UK, USA and Russia

» Over 150 000 people with venous problems in 40 countries have already chosen the technology VEINOPLUS® V.I.

Clinically proven efficacy

Helps for restless legs and night cramps*

  • Epidemiology
    Cramps attributed to venous insufficiency are extremely common in the general population (1). A clinical study conducted in Japan in 2000, has proved that muscle cramps in patients with varicose veins occur more frequently and more often at night in the calf in comparison with those from the general population (2).
  • Pathology
    Muscle cramps are a sudden painful involuntary contraction of a muscle.
    Origins of cramps are in most cases unknown. In other cases, there are some predisposing factors like electrolytic disorders, peripheral neuropathy, pregnancy, drugs and arterial and venous insufficiency.
  • Factors of risk
    • Previous history of venous disease in the family
    • Pregnancy (3)
    • Age (1)
  • VEINOPLUS® action
    • Rapid reduction of PAIN in legs
    • Significant decrease of night cramps
    • Improvement in Quality of Life
    • Can be used in pregnant women (see VEINOPLUS® and pregnancy-related IV)
    • 12% of VEINOPLUS® users use it for night cramps (see User’s Study)
  • Clinical Data
    • A clinical study made in pregnant women has shown that VEINOPLUS® reduce cramps.
    • A user’s survey has demonstrated the efficiency of VEINOPLUS® in night cramps.
  • Instructions for use
    Apply an electrode on each calf the night before sleeping preferably in seated position.
    If cramps affect only one calf, place both electrodes on the same calf.
    Setting of the device should be performed according to the patient’s tolerance.

1. Bradburry A, Evans C, What are the symptoms of varicose veins? Edinburgh vein study cross sectional population survey, BMJ, 1999
2. Hirai M, Prevalence and characteristics of muscle cramps in patient with varicose veins. VASA 2000, Vol: 29, N°:4, p.:269-273
3. Sadfi Charbonnier S, Garin N, Jung M, Prise en charge des crampes idiopathiques des membres inférieurs, Forum Med Suisse 2010